jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012


A symbol is the use of a concrete object to represent an abstract idea. The word symbol is derived from the Greek verb “symballein” which means “to put together and the related noun “symbolon” which means “mark”, “taken” or “sign”. The term, symbol, when used in literature is often a figure of speech in which a person, object, or situation represent something in addition to its literal meaning. Conventional or traditional literary symbols work in much the same way, and because they have a previously agreed upon meaning, they can be used to suggest ideas more universal than the physical aspect itself. A symbol may appear in a work of literature in a number of different ways to suggest a number of different things. Most commonly, a symbol will present itself in the form of 1) a word, 2)a figure of speech, 3) an event, 4) the total action, or 5) a character.

Some examples of symbolism are:


Red : immoral; the color of the life principle, blood, passion, emotion, danger, or daring;often associated with fire
Black : seen as a cold and negative aspect suggesting passivity, death, ignorance, or evil; black hens are used in witchcraft as are black cats
White : innocence, life, light, purity, or enlightenment
Green : inexperience, hope; new life, immaturity; a combination of blue and yellow, itmediates between heat and cold and high and low; it is a comforting, refreshing humancolor; it is the color of plant life
Yellow : rotting, heat, decay, violence, decrepitude, old age, and the approach of death
Blue : cool, calm, peaceful; an insubstantial color in the real world except as translucency,the void of heavens
Pink : innocence, femininity
Purple : royalty, bruising or pain
Brown : a color somewhere between russet and black; it is the color of earth and ploughedland and soil, it represents humility and poverty
Orange : symbolizes the point of balance between the spirit and the libido; it may be theemblem of divine love or extreme lust
Violet : composed of red and blue, it is the color of temperance, clarity of mind

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